Posts Tagged 'PHP'

Have I ever mentioned how much I like my n900? If not, let me tell you that I love this device... mostly. GNU Linux Operating System, the ability to write apps in the programming language of my choice; what is there to not like about this four year old marvel? Setting the time.

On the N900, setting the time can be done manually, or automatically when the device is used as a mobile phone with a SIM card. Since I don't use the device as a mobile phone (to me it is the ultimate pocket computer), I need to update the time manually, and the time seems to drift by a few minutes after a couple of months of uptime.

Recently, the USB port on my N900 broke, and I've been using a battery charger to keep a collection of batteries charged for the device. When a battery gets drained, a simple swap of the battery has me up and running in no time. Unfortunately this means that I need to set to manually set the date every time I swap a battery. Oooof, I'm too lazy for that crap, time for a bit of code!

The plan was fairly simple, write a script to:

  1. fetch time data from somewhere
  2. use the date command to set the date

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a really easy way to get the current time from somewhere on the internet. How is that possible?
Fortunately, a bit of code written in PHP and hosted on one of my websites will display the current UNIX Time

The PHP code looks like this :

echo date('mdHiY');

Alright, the date data is available online, now on to the script to read the data.

Since this script is for an N900, I have a choice of programming languages, and for this script I chose Ruby. After a quick look at the language documentation, the following was hammered out on the N900.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'net/http'

#create a URL for our url //haha
uri URI('')

#get the response from the server
res Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)

#get the date from the response, and remove non-numeric characters
date_string res.body.gsub(/[^\d]/,'')

#set the date command
cmd "date -u #{date_string}"

#run the command

Nice and simple.... ;)

Now quit reading, and go solve a problem.

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6 minus 4

Step 1: Use something overly complicated to do something really simple
Step 2: Swear a lot when things don't work the way they should
Step 3: Write something simple to do a simple task
Step 4: Rejoice!
What am I talking about? Let me spin a tale.....

I need to occasionally pull data from an RSS feed and I was hoping to do the data parsing with a web framework module. Unfortunately, the module worked in a less than ideal manner and couldn't parse the targeted RSS feed. The parser kept throwing errors about the feed being poorly formatted, however, all of my testing confirmed that the feed was properly formatted. Time to write some code!

In order to solve my problem, I first wrote a very basic bit of code to do the following:

  1. create a DOM document
  2. load the RSS feed into the DOM document
  3. get some data from the DOM
  4. display some sort of message if the RSS can't be loaded

Enter the PHP

#!/usr/bin/env php
// create a new DOMDocument object
$dom new DOMDocument();
  //load a remote xml file
  $result $dom->load("");
  //did the load work?
  if ($result) {
    //get an array of the items in the rss
    $items $dom->getElementsByTagName('item');
    //loop through the array 
    foreach($items as $item){
      //get the title of the current item
      $title $item->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
      //get the description of the current item
      $desc $item->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue;
      //output some of the collected data
      echo "$title\n";
      echo "$desc\n";
  else {
    echo "there was a problem reading the rss feed, bummer\n";

The code is also available in the hoof at

Hopefully the code is self explanatory (that is what code comments are for), because i don't like going through code in a line by line fashion. I also don't like the ISO standard used for the 'PubDate' in an RSS feed, but I'll save that rant for some other time.

Now quit reading and go do something simple.

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9 minus 6
  • Tags:
  • PHP
For a recent video editing project, I really wanted to have some mellow classical music playing in the background. Due to licensing restrictions, the classical music needed to be either in the Public Domain or released under a very permissive Creative Commons license.

Fortunately, the United States Air Force Band has quite a few Public Domain recordings, of Public Domain works, on their website. Unfortunately, the Air Force website leaves a lot to be desired regarding listening to and downloading tunes.

The website uses javascript to open a popup player, and this is terrible. Actually, it is good, because the javascript that launches the player requires the full URL of the mp3 file that the player is supposed to play.

What this means, is that I need only sift through the source of the page containing links to audio files and pull out the URL strings that start with "http://" and end with ".mp3". This sounds like a job for a non-greedy Regular Expression.

Enter the PHP: What? you don't write command line scripts in PHP?
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php     if count($argv)>)     {         $file $argv[1];         $text file_get_contents$file );         $matches="";         preg_match_all("/http:\/\/[A-Za-z\/_\.0-9]*?\.mp3/",$text,$matches);         if(count($matches[0]) )         {             foreach($matches[0as $match)             {                 echo "$match\n";             }         }     } ?>
The script (which I named echo_mp3.php) takes the URL of a webpage as an argument and prints out the URLs of the mp3s that are found in the webpages code. For my usage, I wrote the list of mp3s to a file by executing
./echo_mp3.php >> mp3list.txt
and then used wget to batch download the files in the list.

Now stop reading, and go listen to some Vivaldi.
2010-02-02 Windigo:
The network administrator at Adirondack Community College taught our PHP class. The first half of the class was basic Linux techniques, and the second half was PHP scripting.

He probably still does all of his administrative scripting in PHP, I bet. It didn't seem like a bad way to do business. :)
2010-02-03 jezra:
PHP is definitely under-rated as far as CLI programming is concerned. For many years, I was using PHP scripts run from Window's Scheduled Tasks to emulate various tasks one would normally do as a Cron job: backup directories, look for files to perform actions on, etc.
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2 plus 4
  • Tags:
  • PHP
For a while now, I've been keeping track of phone number by enter them into a plain text file on my laptop and searching for numbers with a simple shell script named phone
#!/bin/sh clear cat /path/to/phonelist.txt | grep -i $1
This is fine and dandy if I'm actually using my laptop, but I needed a way to access the phone numbers from all of my computers. If you are playing Buzzword Bingo, put a checkmark on "cloud". There is a low-power computer in my home network that will perform the task of "cloud based phone number listing" wonderfully.

Since "cloud" is a Web 2.0 buzzword, I figured I should make the user interface of my phone number finder behave in an AJAXy way, but without Javascript or XML. ( mark off Web 2.0,AJAX, Javascript, and XML )

Here is the HTML of the interface
<html>     <head>         <title>phone</title>         <style type="text/css">             #result_frame             {                 border:0px;                 width:50%;                 height:50%             }         </style>     </head>     <body>         <form name='p' action='phone.php' method='post' target='result_frame'>             <input type="text" name="search_string">             <input type="submit" value="find">         </form>         <iframe name="result_frame" id="result_frame">         </iframe>     </body> </html>

A simple form makes a request and the results are displayed in a targetted inline frame. Thus, there is not a full page refresh when the user selects a different name to search for. Oh shiney!

On to the searching code
<?php     //get the search string from the POST data     $s_str $_POST['search_string'];     //escape the string     $esc_str escapeshellcmd($s_str);     //where is the phone file?     $phone_file "phonelist.txt";     $results "";     //read the file into an array     $file_lines file($phone_file);     //loop through the array of lines     foreach($file_lines as $line)     {         //is the search string in the line?         ifstristr($line,$s_str) )         {             //add the line to the results.             $results.=$line;         }     }     //are there results?     if(!$results)     {         //if not, let the user know that there were no matches         $results "no matches found for \"$s_str\"";     }     //create some basic HTML to display to the viewer     echo "<html><head><title>Results for $s_str</title></head>";     echo "<body><pre>";     print_r($results);     echo "</pre></body></html>"; ?>

This is a very simple PHP script to search for matching lines in the text file.

A working example of this code is viewable at

Things that could have been done different:
  • the numbers could be put into a database
  • a regular expression could search the text file

The key here was development time. Comparitive to the actual development time, creating a database, adding the numbers, and writing the code to retrieve the numbers would add a significant amount of time. Unfortunately, I didn't think of using a REGEX until after I had written the code, and since the code worked as expected, I felt no need to change it.

Now quit reading, and call a friend.
2009-11-05 digi_morass:
handy Web 2.0 tutorial, Jezra. may play with this in the future. You might want to handle the error when the user clicks find on empty search query, though.
2009-11-05 jezra:
HA! Thanks digi. The example PHP code as been edited to only search the text file if the length of the search string is greater than zero.

//do the search
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Prove you are human by solving a math problem! I'm sorry, but due to an increase of blog spam, I've had to implement a CAPTCHA.
6 plus 7
  • Tags:
  • PHP
A while ago, I needed to spider all of the pages in a dynamically generated website and do something with the data. Since the spider only needed to work with the one website, I was free to add as much site specific code as I needed. The script has been copied and adjusted to fit the needs of the whatever site I happen to be working on at the time. In a nut shell, the script gets passed a web page address, downloads the page, uses a regex to find all of the links, parses the links, and then recurses through the links.

The current iteration of the script spiders a "url-beautified" site and generates a very basic sitemap suitable for submission to Google or Yahoo, and the current code looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php function getrealPath($baseDir,$link) { $newDir=''; $rise=0; //count the number of ../ in the link for($i=0;$i<strlen($link)-4 ; $i++ ) { if($link[$i]=="." && $link[$i+1]=="." && $link[$i+2]=="/") { $rise++; } } $folders = explode("/",$baseDir); //print_r($folders); for($i=0 ; $i < count($folders)-$rise ; $i++) { $newDir .= $folders[$i]."/"; } $link = str_replace("../","",$link); $link = str_replace(" ","%20",$link); #replace double forward slashes //$link = str_replace("//","/",$link); return $newDir.$link; } function getLinks($file,$parent='') { $dirname=''; global $brokenLinks; global $startTime; global $pageList; global $brokenLinksString; $text = @file_get_contents($file);//get the text from the file if(trim($text)=="")//the file can't be opened { $brokenLinksString.="$parentnt$filenn"; echo "--Missing File--nt$filen"; return 1; } echo "$filen"; $text = str_replace(array("href =","HREF =","href= ","HREF= ","HREF="),"href=",$text); preg_match_all("/href=["|'](.*?)["|']/", $text, $link_results); foreach ($link_results[1] as $link) { $link_is_absolute=false; //clean up ampersands in the link $link = str_replace("&","&",$link); if(stristr($link,"mailto") ) { continue; } $processedLink = strtolower($link); //find out if the link is external before we figure out the realLink if (stristr($processedLink,"http:") || stristr($processedLink,"https:") ) { if(strpos($processedLink,BaseHREF)===0 ) { //this link is and absolute path }else{ //this link is external continue; } } //ignore all extensions if(strstr($processedLink,".") || strstr($processedLink,"mailto:") ) { continue; } //if the file is absolute local we don't need to discover the abspath if($link_is_absolute) { $absLink = $processedLink; }else{ $absLink = getRealPath(BaseHREF."$dirname",$processedLink); } if( !in_array($absLink,$pageList)) { array_push($pageList,$absLink); getLinks($absLink,$file); } } return 1; } function xmlEncode($string) { $newString = str_replace(array("&","'",""",">","<"),array("&","'",""",">","<"),$string); return $newString; } /*begin the script*/ #make some global variables $pageList = array(); $brokenLinksString=""; $brokenLinks = array(); define ("BaseHREF",$argv[1]); getLinks(BaseHREF); //find the links in the file //make the sitemap foreach($pageList as $filePath) { //echo $filePath."n"; //create the url for our Google Site Map $subPath = explode("/",$filePath); $folderDepth = count($subPath)-1; $subPath[$folderDepth] = xmlEncode( $subPath[$folderDepth] ); $encodedPath = implode("/",$subPath); $loc = $filePath; $urlString.= "tn"; $urlString.= "tt$locn"; if(stristr($filePath,"home.") ) { $priority = 1-($folderDepth*0.1); }else{ $priority = 0.8-($folderDepth*0.1);; } //$priority=( stristr($filePath,"home.") )?0.9:0.5; $urlString.="tt$priorityn"; $urlString.= "tn"; } $siteMapText="n"; $siteMapText.="; $siteMapText.=' xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="">'; $siteMapText.="n"; $siteMapText.=$urlString; $siteMapText.=""; $fhandle = fopen("sitemap.xml","w"); fwrite($fhandle,$siteMapText); fclose($fhandle); ?>

As the script runs, it will print to standard out the paths of the files that are being spidered and it will also print a warning about any missing webpages. When I run the script against my site, the output is:

good, no missing files. The sitemap that is generated by the script is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <urlset  xmlns="">  <url>   <loc></loc>   <priority>0.5</priority>  </url>  <url>   <loc></loc>   <priority>0.5</priority>  </url>  <url>   <loc></loc>   <priority>0.5</priority>  </url>  <url>   <loc></loc>   <priority>0.5</priority>  </url>  <url>   <loc></loc>   <priority>0.4</priority>  </url>  <url>   <loc></loc>   <priority>0.4</priority>  </url>  <url>   <loc></loc>   <priority>0.4</priority>  </url>  <url>   <loc></loc>   <priority>0.4</priority>  </url> </urlset>

Hey, it gets the job done.
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0 plus 8
  • Tags:
  • PHP
Hindsight is something something something

I didn't want to write a web framework, and in hindsight, it probably would have been better if I had learned one of the more mature web development frameworks such as CakePHP, CodeIgniter, or, if I had been writing my code in Python, Django or Pylons. There are also numerous Java based frameworks that I could have used. Now my code is lacking in a lot of the features of the aforementioned frameworks but, and this is the important part, I didn't need to read a tutorial or learn how to develop with my framework because it evolved with my application.

how it started
One of the requirements of the site I was developing was clean/beautified URLs. I didn't want to ever have a URL like It sure would be nicer is the URL was On a Windows IIS server this can be done with either a third party rewrite plugin or with a very well crafted 404 script. However, since most webserver hosts don't allow for third party plugins and I had a devil of a time with the last few custom 404 IIS script that I wrote, I decide to go with the Apache webserver which has a built mechanism for rewriting URLs.

There seemed to be two ways to rewrite the URLs. The first way was to break apart the URL and into a list of the page and it's arguments and let the page decide what to do with the request, thus would get directly rewritten as and something.php would handle the request. The second way, which I decided to use, was to have a controlling script that would take all of the arguments of the URL and load a specific class and pass arguments to the class. In this way, I could define a default class that has the capabilities to handle database connections as well as handling text output to a template system for user interaction. Thus a request for would actually load index.php and the index script would make a new instance of the "something" control class and pass the class the arguments "jezra" and "lickter". Upon creating the "something" instance, the parent class gets initialized and it is the parent class that handles the templating system and database connections.

What is being used
To handle the template system, I am using Tiny But Strong. Actually, the parent control class loads a wrapper class that in turn handles the tinybutstrong template. Through the extension of the parent control class, the individual controls are able to set template variable as well as pass arrays for duplication of tabular data. By using a wrapper class to handle the template system, I will be able to change template systems in the future, without having to rewrite the code for the various controls, by rewriting the code of the template wrapper.

Currently I handle database abstraction through a PDO (PHP Data Object) in the parent control class and this works fine for my needs. Moving forward, I should take greater advantage of the various PDO functions.

What's Missing
Lots of things.

What bugs me
If and when I need to make asynchronous javascript calls, I have been using PHPLiveX to creation of the browser specific javascript code and I would prefer for the server not to have to rewrite the URL, parse code, and process a template everytime there is an AJAX call to the server.

Basic Layout
  • index.php // the main controller that handles all rewritten URLs
  • controls // a directory that contains all of the includable controls, all controls are named after the first part of a requested URL
  • javascripts // a directory of javascript files, all files are named after the first part of a requested URL
  • styles // a directory of css files, all files are named after the first part of the requested URL
  • templates // a directory of templates that are filled with data and sent to the users browser
  • classes // a directory of class for creating controllers, templates, and database connections
  • favico.ico // an icon to send to the web browser
  • config.php // a php file that contains configurable information for database access and file path location
  • .htaccess // an Apache file that contains rewrite rules

Ideally, all of the config information would be outside of the server's webroot folder.

Why not? It was a fun and useful learning experience.
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Prove you are human by solving a math problem! I'm sorry, but due to an increase of blog spam, I've had to implement a CAPTCHA.
6 minus 0
  • Tags:
  • PHP
This is sample code and a proof of concept, if you are interested in a well crafted webserver written with PHP, I suggest Nanoweb.

Why the hell would one want to write a webserver in PHP?

Well, for the same reason one would write a proof of concept webserver in any other programming language; it needed to be done. Actually, this started out as a test of using sockets for inter-application communication on a network and was written to run using PHP4 on a Macintosh. Since I could either delete the file and be done with it, or share the file and maybe help someone, I'm opting for the share and help.

Here you go.....

#!/usr/bin/env php -q

//function get_include_contents
// input : path to a php file
// output : the parsed text of the php file
function get_include_contents($filename)
echo "parsing: $filenamen";
if (is_file($filename))
include $filename;
$contents = ob_get_contents();
return $contents;
return false;

function get_file_extension($file)
return $file_extension;
function get_path_to_file($request)
global $pwd;
global $default_http_dir;
return $pwd."/".$default_http_dir.$request;
function get_referer($text)
$referer = $matches[1];
return $referer;

//path to php
echo"starting server...n";
//we want to run indefinitely
//we need to output info to the terminal as soon as we can
//define a bunch of variables
//what address are we binding to?
//access port
//what is the default file?
$default_array= array("index.php","index.htm","index.html");
//set the default dir for files
$default_http_dir = "webroot";
//where are we?

//start connecting sockets
$socket_resource=socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0) or die("socket_create()failed.");
socket_bind($socket_resource,$bind_address,$port) or die("socket_bind()failed");
socket_listen($socket_resource,5) or die("socket_listen()failed");
echo "Server is up and running ....n";
do //this is the MAIN loop
echo "socket_accept() failedn";
echo "socket_read() failedn";
preg_match("/ .+ /i",$buffer_text,$matches);
$full_request = trim($matches[0]);
$request_and_arguments = explode("?",$full_request);
$request = urldecode( $request_and_arguments[0] );
// if we have some get vars, lets make a $_GET[] array set
$args_n_vars = explode("&",$arguments);
foreach($args_n_vars as $arg_n_var)
list($var,$value) = explode("=",$arg_n_var);



//find the first default file
foreach($default_array as $default_file)
$tfile = stripslashes($pwd)."/".$default_http_dir."/".$default_file;
if( file_exists($tfile) )
$request = "/$default_file";

$file_extension = get_file_extension($request);
$path_to_file = get_path_to_file($request);
//what mime type should be returned?
case "png":
case "gif":
case "jpg":
case "zip":
case "exe":
case "bmp":
case "mov":
case "mp3":
case "mpeg":
case "txt":
//we have a file to return to the user
$return_file = true;
//is this a php file?
if($file_extension == "php")
//we had better parse the php
//where are we now?
$start_dir= getcwd();
//cd to the php files dir
$php_file_dir = dirname( $path_to_file);
$php_file = basename( $path_to_file );
//run the included PHP file
$file_contents = get_include_contents("$php_file");
//return to the start dir

echo "serving: $path_to_file";
$file_contents = file_get_contents($path_to_file);
$output="HTTP/1.0 200 OKrnServer: PHP Proof of ConceptrnDate:$todayrnConnection:closernContent-Length:$file_lengthrnContent-Type:$mimernrn";
$output="HTTP/1.0 404 OBJECT NOT FOUNDrnServer: PHP ServerrnConnection: closernrn";

Geez, I really don't like looking at my old code since it always makes me think about how I would re-write differently if I were to write it today, and this code is about 3-4 years old.
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Prove you are human by solving a math problem! I'm sorry, but due to an increase of blog spam, I've had to implement a CAPTCHA.
3 plus 5
  • Tags:
  • PHP