Posts Tagged 'Gstreamer'

The Need

For part of a Ruby project I've been working on, I needed a way to play audio files, and since I am using the project to teach myself the basics of Ruby programming, I decided to write my own audio player class utilizing the Gstreamer Multimedia framework.

Having written what is essentially the same code in both Vala and Python programming languages, I thought this would be fairly simple with the aid of the documentation.

RTFM (a rant)

The documentation for using Gstreamer with Ruby is part of the Ruby Gnome2 documentation and I found it to be dreadful to use. Since it is difficult to actually find a link to the Gstreamer related documents, I'll include a link

Honestly, I tried to read the documentation and it was so frustrating that I started to hate Ruby. What bothered me the most about the documentation wasn't the abundant amount of missing information, it was the 500 Server Error that I would see every 4 out of 5 clicks. Why someone thought it would be a good idea to server the files as a CGI wiki and not as good old static files is beyond me. Aaahhhhhhh! I hate that crap!

OK, time to relax and just look at some code.

Enter The Ruby

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'thread'
require 'gst' #gem install gstreamer
#the gst namespace is Gst
#initialize gst
class Player
  def initialize()
    #create a thread for a glib main loop
    thread do
    #make a few queries
    #make the playbin
    @playbin Gst::ElementFactory.make("playbin")
    #get the playbins bus
    bus @playbin.bus
    #watch the bus for messages
    bus.add_watch do |busmessage|
      handle_bus_messagemessage )

  #we will need to get the current position and duration of the playbin 
  def position_duration()
      #run the query
      @playbin.query@query_position )
      #what is that, picoseconds? I'll take milliseconds thank you.
      position position @query_position.parse[1] / 1000000
      @playbin.query@query_duration )
      duration @query_duration.parse[1] / 1000000
      position 0
      duration 0
    return {'position'=>position,'duration'=>duration}

  def status()
    #get the state
    bin_state @playbin.get_state
    #isn't there a better way to convert the state to a string?
    case bin_state[1]
      when Gst::State::NULL
        state 'NULL'
      when Gst::State::PAUSED
        state 'PAUSED'
      when Gst::State::PLAYING
        state 'PLAYING'
      when Gst::State::READY
        state 'READY'
    volume @playbin.get_property("volume")
    uri @playbin.get_property("uri")
    pd position_duration()
    #return state, volume
    status_hash = {'state'=>state'volume'=>volume'uri'=>uri}
    #add the position and duration to the hash, and return
    return status_hash.mergepd )

  #set or get the volume
  def volume(val)
    if !val.nil? and val>=and val<=1
    return @playbin.get_property("volume")
  def seek_percent(val)
    if !val.nil? and val>=and val<=1
      pd position_duration()
      duration pd['duration']
      if duration 0
        seek_loc val*duration 1000000
        seek Gst::Seek::FLAG_KEY_UNIT.to_iGst::Seek::TYPE_SETseek_loc Gst::Seek::TYPE_NONE, -1)
    return position_duration()
  def quit()
    #I thought no one liked a quitter?
  def set_uri(uri)
    #null the playbin state
    #set the uri
  def play()
    #really? just play

  def pause()
    #really? just play

  def handle_bus_messagemessage )
    case message.type
      when Gst::Message::Type::ERROR
        #null the pipeline
        #TODO: send a signal that playing is finished

      when Gst::Message::Type::EOS
        #null the pipeline
        #TODO: send a signal that playing is finished

      when  Gst::Message::Type::TAG
        tag_list message.parse()
        #we need to get the key and value from the tag
        tag_list.each do |key,val|
          #TODO: store some of this data

      when Gst::Message::Type::STATE_CHANGED
        state @playbin.get_state
        #what should we do?
    #return true or shit breaks: why is this? 

if \_\_FILE__ == $0
  input ARGV[0]
  if input.match(/^http:\/\//
    #why the hell doesn't this work?
    uri input
    uri "file://"+File.absolute_path(ARGV[0])
  loop true
  sleep 1
  while loop  
    puts "type 'quit' to quit"
    if s.eql? "quit"
      loop false

For some reason the code will not play an audio file over HTTP and this bothered me for a bit, then I decided that I just don't care. One thing you may notice is that this class will create a new thread for running a GLib mainloop. Had this class been part of a larger project that uses a GLib mainloop, the new thread probably wouldn't be necessary, but hey, I'm not writing a GLib based project.

2011-05-29 rekado:
re: HTTP streaming:
You may want to use "playbin2" instead of "playbin".
2012-05-18 DaKaZ:
Thanks, I found this as a great start. Switching to playbin2 does indeed get http streaming working. I also updated the class to have an equalizer (see below) for those that are interested. What is not working for me and I can't seem to really find any documentation about it is the TAG processing. GStreamer never seems to send and TAG messages, but as far as I can tell the playbin2 bin handles this by default. I wan to get Artist and Title information out of the stream. An example is: If you play this in mplayer,you'll see all the ICV tags. How do I get those in ruby-gst?

Thanks again for the start here, hope you enjoy the equalizer.

First: add this to initialize()
bin =
@eq = Gst::ElementFactory.make("equalizer-10bands")
autosink = Gst::ElementFactory.make("autoaudiosink")
@eq >> autosink
eqpad = @eq.get_pad("sink")
gpad ="gpad", eqpad) # playbin2 requires a ghost pad, not sure why
@playbin.audio_sink = bin

Then add this function to the class:

#set or get the equalizer, pass in a hash of one or more bands { :band0 => 10, :band1 => 5, ... :band9 => 10}
def eq(bands = {})
b = {
:band0 => @eq.band0,
:band1 => @eq.band1,
:band2 => @eq.band2,
:band3 => @eq.band3,
:band4 => @eq.band4,
:band5 => @eq.band5,
:band6 => @eq.band6,
:band7 => @eq.band7,
:band8 => @eq.band8,
:band9 => @eq.band9
@eq.band0 = b[:band0]
@eq.band1 = b[:band1]
@eq.band2 = b[:band2]
@eq.band3 = b[:band3]
@eq.band4 = b[:band4]
@eq.band5 = b[:band5]
@eq.band6 = b[:band6]
@eq.band7 = b[:band7]
@eq.band8 = b[:band8]
@eq.band9 = b[:band9]
return b
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9 minus 9
Since not everyone want to read a bunch of pointless April fools crap postings on the internets, and just in time to probably fail to compile with the latest version of Vala, I have a new little project written in Vala!

Quite a while ago, I made a basic metronome application and named it hubcap in honor of Linux Outlaws host Dan Lynch. Anyone that has ever heard me play music knows just how much I really need a metronome, but that is beyond the point, and I promise that this won't be some pointless April 1st crap.

Fortunately, the Linux Outlaws has two hosts and I had a yearning to hack code and process data.

Say hello to Shnerkel!
Shnerkel is an aggregator and player of the Linux Outlaws ogg feed. Sauce: shnerkel.tar.gz

Vala ( for compiling )

The main impetus for creating this application was to play with webkit in Vala. As I see it, there are a few bonus results of creating this app.

1. Since the app plays the ogg version of the Linux Outlaws audcast, the statics for numbers of downloads of the mp3 and ogg versions will hopefully tip towards ogg.

2. It is a fairly easy way to increase the expose of Linux Outlaws and Ogg, although I'm probably preaching to the choir on both accounts.

3. Almost a full dozen people will have something real to read on April 1st.

The Good
With shnerkel, there is no more waiting to download the audcast. The audio file is streamed over HTTP by the gstreamer library. Shnerkel uses the same audio player class as sap, which really cut down on development time. Thanks Open Source.

The Bad
You will notice the lack of a progress bar. For some reason gstreamer doesn't return the duration of an ogg file being played over HTTP. What the hell is up with that? It is either a problem with Gstreamer or a problem with the Ogg format.

The Ugly
plenty. Before you complain, go look in the mirror. Oh snap! You got burned by that one! In the appwindow.vala file, I pull information from a GTK TreeStore as follows:
string description=""; string file=""; tree_selection = tv.get_selection(); tree_selection.get_selected(out model, out iter); episodeTreeStore.get(iter,3,&description,2,&file,-1);
It seems to me that passing 'description' and 'file' to the function as references is rather un-vala like and the function should instead use 'out' to pass data to the strings. Oh well...

It's almost midnight, but I don't think I'll stay up and write the first page of my movie script for the ScriptFrenzy challenge.

Now quit reading, and go find the elusive Dirk Shnerkelberger.
2010-04-05 x1101:
Jezra, do you have any plans to package this into an RPM? I would love to include this in BrownHat. (we would also welcome any of your other software, it is for the Outlaws by the Outlaws afterall)
2010-04-05 jezra:
No, I will not be making an RPM. What I will do, is put the code on launchpad and improve the build system so that it will be easier for others to make distro specific packages.
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4 plus 8
When creating audio file playing software, it is nice to be able to access the tags of the audio files for display to the user. Since I am planning to use gstreamer to handle the playing of audio in my Luma project, I thought it would be best to make a very simple test app to handle the retrieval of tags from an audio file. Actually, I still need to test this with the various filetypes that gstreamer supports; specifically vorbis files. Anyway, on with the show.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import gst
import gobject

class tag_getter:
def __init__(self):
#make a dictionary to hold our tag info
self.file_tags = {}
#make a playbin to parse the audio file
self.pbin = gst.element_factory_make("playbin")
#we need to receive signals from the playbin's bus
self.bus = self.pbin.get_bus()
#make sure we are watching the signals on the bus
#what do we do when a tag is part of the bus signal?
self.bus.connect("message::tag", self.bus_message_tag)
#create a loop to control our app
self.mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()

def bus_message_tag (self, bus, message):
#we received a tag message
taglist = message.parse_tag()
#put the keys in the dictionary
for key in taglist.keys():
self.file_tags[key] = taglist[key]
#for this test, if we have the artist tag, we can quit
if self.file_tags['artist']:
print self.file_tags

def set_file(self,file):
#set the uri of the playbin to our audio file
#pause the playbin, we don't really need to play

def run(self):
#start the main loop

if __name__=="__main__":
if len(sys.argv)>1:
file = sys.argv[1]
pwd = os.getcwd()
filepath = os.path.join(pwd,file)
getter = tag_getter()

print "select an audio file"

Useful? Not really, but it certainly is a good building block for a more advanced application.
2010-10-10 Ryan:
THANK YOU SO MUCH! This made it so much easier to figure out how to get tags through gstreamer. I've searched for forever trying to figure this out and this helped me figure it out in 5 minutes. Thanks again. Keep up the good work.
2010-10-10 jezra:
You are very welcome.
2011-03-25 Sam Brookfield:
Again, thanks, really helpful
2011-03-25 Sam Brookfield:
For anyone interested, the image tag is just a binary image - you can write it to a file -
if key == 'image':
img = open('temp.png', 'w')
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1 plus 5
  • Tags:
  • Python
  • Gstreamer
In preparation for my Luma media player, I wanted to create a simple audio player with visualization. Based upon what I have read, this would require a "tee" when using gstreamer. The tee in gstreamers is much like a tee in piped shell commands; data gets copied at the tee and travels in multiple directions. In gstreamer, one needs to create a queue for each new direction that the data will flow down in the pipeline.

It took me a while to wrangle with the tee requirements for handling queues. I could see how, but I couldn't understand why. So anyway, this is what I came up with:
1. a tee in the pipeline gets a name
2. the end of a queue gets declared as part of the tee, and is given the name of the tee followed by a period
3. add a queue to the gstreamer pipeline
4. the end of the queue thingy gets placed at the end of the queues ( this doesn't seem to be required for the last queue)

My gstreamer pipeline looks like this:
filesrc location=/path/to/audio/file
! decodebin ! audioconvert
! tee name=myT myT.
! queue ! autoaudiosink myT.
! queue ! goom ! ffmpegcolorspace ! autovideosink

sweet! Now on to a my pythonic version using pygst
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import gst
import time
class myPlayer ():
def __init__(self):
self.pipeline = gst.Pipeline()
self.src = gst.element_factory_make("filesrc", "src")
self.decoder = gst.element_factory_make("decodebin", "decoder")
self.decoder.connect("new-decoded-pad", self.onNewDecodedPad)
self.goom = gst.element_factory_make("goom")
self.colorspace = gst.element_factory_make("ffmpegcolorspace","color")
self.conv = gst.element_factory_make("audioconvert", "conv")
self.vidsink = gst.element_factory_make("autovideosink","videosink")
self.asink = gst.element_factory_make("autoaudiosink", "aoutput")
self.tee = gst.element_factory_make('tee', "tee")
self.queuea = gst.element_factory_make("queue", "queuea")
self.queuev = gst.element_factory_make("queue", "queuev")
self.pipeline.add(self.asink,self.queuev,self.goom, self.colorspace, self.vidsink)
gst.element_link_many(self.queuev, self.goom,self.colorspace, self.vidsink)
def onNewDecodedPad(self,decodebin, pad, islast):
#link the pad to the converter

def playfile(self,file):
self.src.set_property('location', file)
pipelinestate = self.pipeline.get_state()

while pipelinestate[1] == gst.STATE_PLAYING:
pipelinestate = self.pipeline.get_state()

if __name__ == '__main__':
if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
file = sys.argv[1]
player = myPlayer()
print "you must select a tune"

The big difference here, at least to me, is that the decodebin isn't really a bin, but it represents a series of possible bins. So if one where to select a vorbis file to play, the decodebin will determine the correct type of bin needed to handle the file and would create an instance of that type of bin, the same is true for wav,flac,aac,mp3, etc; all of which have a specific decoder that I don't want to have to figure out, so I let the decodebin do it for me. This line: self.decoder.connect("new-decoded-pad", self.onNewDecodedPad), will call a function whenever a new bin is created by the decoder bin and it is in the onNewDecodedPad function that the decodebin links to the rest of the pipeline. Does that make sense?
2009-10-07 Chaz6:
Thanks for the example. There is one minor typo...

"self.popeline.add" should be "self.pipeline.add"
2009-10-07 jezra:
Thanks for the catch! The code has been updated.
2009-11-18 tom:
Thanks for the great example - I spent an hour trying to fit a pipeline for goom... You saved me :-)
Now this works on my...drumroll...Nokia N900! Maemo forever :-)
2009-11-18 jezra:
That is awesome Tom! I've always wanted to how well gstreamer runs on ARM based systems.
2010-09-09 Dennis:
It's more intuitive to think of the pipeline after the tee more like this:

filesrc location=/path/to/audio/file
! decodebin ! audioconvert
! tee name=myT
myT. ! queue ! autoaudiosink
myT. ! queue ! goom ! ffmpegcolorspace ! autovideosink
2010-09-09 jezra:
Dennis, that was *exactly* what I needed to explain the tee!
2016-03-02 Anes P A:
I am working in a pygtk project with Gtk2. As part of modification I need to include Gstreamer 1.0 instead of 0.1. In my old system can use

import sys, os, os.path, time
import pygst
import gst

But I don't know how to add new version of GStreamer ... I try above one with change in version as

import gi
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
from gi.repository import GObject, Gst, Gtk

got error as :
import gi
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/", line 39, in <module>
raise ImportError(_static_binding_error)
ImportError: When using gi.repository you must not import static modules like "gobject". Please change all occurrences of "import gobject" to "from gi.repository import GObject". See:

Please advise the right way..

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Prove you are human by solving a math problem! I'm sorry, but due to an increase of blog spam, I've had to implement a CAPTCHA.
2 plus 7
  • Tags:
  • Python
  • Gstreamer